The Missing Slate
From the Publisher
The Missing Slate originated in Pakistan as a vehicle to promote original and innovative work from writers and artists of any age, from any country. The magazine aims to provide a platform for anyone who has something to say and is unafraid to say it, encouraging free speech and tackling subjects which may previously have been considered ‘taboo’. The Missing Slate is a non-profit endeavour and seeks to support art and artists wherever they may be in the world. If talent can’t be quantified, it can’t be mapped either.
We try not to be too prescriptive in our submissions guidelines, favoring fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction and essays in a variety of forms and styles, but we are always more likely to publish work which seems original, challenging, and in the case of non-fiction, socially accessible.
Tell us about upcoming events or contests: Our ninth issue or the “freedom issue” was published on June 15, and includes a feature on 15 of the best contemporary writers from Pakistan. It is available in full on our website. We are also looking to bring out an anthology in print circa 2014 — all material being submitted is open for consideration. Our next issue, our tenth, is “the politics of art” and will include a feature on emerging Indian writers. Each issue will place a different country in the spotlight.
Editors Name: Maryam Piracha (Editor-in-Chief); Jacob Silkstone (Poetry & Literature Editor); Maliha Iftekhar (Fiction Editor); Aaron Grierson (Articles Editor)
Print publication?: Yes (annual)
Mailing Address:: Online submissions only.
Circulation: 10,000
Submission Guidelines URL:
Approx. Response Time?: Three to six weeks
How often do you publish?: Weekly with a quarterly digital edition
Year Founded?: 2010
Do you take online submissions?: Yes
Email:; (Fiction); (Essays); (Query the Editor for something that doesn’t fit)
The magazine is now back online and taking submissions under a theme. Submissions are open until December 10, 2021. Our focus has shifted to providing a platform for women and minority voices only. All submissions guidelines are available on our website. We would also like to update our listing on EWR.
Thank you!
Maryam Piracha
The Missing Slate