The Subtopian Magazine
Information about your publication:
(Social Science / Human Geography) Britsuburban development that encroaches on rural areas yet appears to offer the attractions of country life to suburban dwellers [blend of suburb + Utopia] subtopian adj Like so many words in the English language, “subtopia” is subject to change. We take it to mean a world between possibilities. It isn?t utopia, not yet, but it’s not quite dystopia either. We’re subtopian, still waiting to see which way this pendulum swings. Founded by author Trevor Richardson, The Subtopian Magazine is a Portland-based magazine that looks for fiction, non-fiction, poetry and art. We look for work that deals with the issue of our impending future. Stories that express a view of society in between the two extremes are given top consideration, but we’ll also publish dystopian fiction and, if you’re brave enough, a story describing utopia. Good luck with that. It’s been said that writing dystopian futures is easy, writing utopia is what’s hard. We can all envision a desolate future, but a bright future where everything is ideal, that is hard to imagine. If we could imagine it we could get there. It’s seeing it that’s hard. Send us your stories about what the future holds, what the present looks like, or how the past led us to this vague, subtopian spiral.
We are interested in short stories, poetry, photography, artwork, journalism, essays, interviews, serialized novels, novellas, pretty much anything as long as it pertains to the theme of our magazine. Work must describe the in-between nature of modern society, the sub-par sensation that hides behind the routine of every day life, that feeling that we’re all waiting for what comes next. That is what Subtopia means to us, we aren’t destroyed or ideal, we’re just blundering through, dreaming of utopia and expecting dystopia. Write about that. Write about how it is to live in a subtopian society, write about how the subtopian society will change into a better or worse version of itself.
Editors Name: Trevor Richardson
Print publication?: No
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Approx. Response Time: 1-2 months
How often do you publish?: monthly
Year Founded?: 2012
Do you take online submissions?: Yes
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