Urban Grapevine Magazine
From the Editor
We are a literary magazine with a main focus on the minority indie author/writer writing in the Urban Fiction, Hip-Hop Fiction, AA Fiction, AA Contemporary Fiction or Street Lit Fiction genre. We are a staff of authors writing about authors, poets and creative thinkers. We also pay homage to the skilled and veteran authors/writers as well. This is not just a Q&A, Article and spotlight author magazine. We focus on the ins and out of writing, the person behind the pen and the journey not foreseen or told. We gossip, talk industry taboos and support the Urban lit genre in any form possible. We are the unheard and the disrespect author with a voice spoken through our pens.
We would love to broaden our scope tapping into fashion, music and we welcome new ideas on marketing, writing tips and resources. So the submission process is fairly easy. Show us what you got! Read the magazine and go through the website and see what you think fits you and hit us up! www.urbangrapevinemag.com and our digital flip version: http://issuu.com/felishabradshaw2/docs/mag_feb_2014_joey_p
Right now we don’t have any contests but we have branched into Exposure Services as well as a few anthologies. right now we are running a submission for a great never done before anthology. Check it out on the website. The guidelines are there.
Editors Name Felisha Bradshaw
Print publication? No
Circulation Social Medias, via cell phone version and the best; word of mouth!
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Approx. Response Time?
How often do you publish? 6 times a year
Year Founded? 2011
Do you pay? no
Twitter @ugmag3
Mailing Address:
Email urbangrapevine3[at]gmail[dot]com
Facebook /felisha.bradshaw
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