Weary Blues Magazine
From the Publisher
Weary Blues Magazine is named after the iconic poem by Langston Hughes entitled “The Weary Blues.” This poem was the first of its kind, incorporating jazz rhythms seamlessly with traditional poetic devices such as metaphor and simile. It altered the way poetry can be manipulated and opened the literary landscape to new possibilities.
Likewise, Weary Blues Magazine seeks to disrupt the literary magazine world by fostering a inclusive and open community for all ages and backgrounds. Weary Blues Magazine also possess three primary qualities not usually in conjunction with one another. First, we are a free publication and always will be. We understand the not every aspiring writer has the fiscal privilege to pay a submission fee. Second, we give personalized feedback to each and every submission regardless of rejection or acceptance. We have a strong belief that in order for a writer to improve, he must take the constructive criticism and revise as he sees fit. This is a mutually beneficial relationship. The editors are able to analyze thoroughly and develop their own editorial skills. The writers receive constructive feedback which they can digest and use for guidance in not just our publication, but in others as well. Thirdly, we respond to all submissions within a week of receiving it. A major discrepancy within the literary community is the agonizing waiting period it takes for a submitter to receive feedback on his or her work. This is very frustrating for the writer. This task is very manageable. Once submissions begin rising, we will expand our editorial board accordingly. However, our editor-in-chief, Rainier Harris, is fully committed to grow and expand this publication regardless of the submission pile. We strictly adhere to our mission and will not falter.
Our budget is currently $ 0 and our only expense is the editors indispensable time, effort, and commitment. We do not have resources to pay for advertisements and hope you recognize these circumstances. Weary Blues Magazine is currently listed on duotrope. Since we are a fledgling publication, we are still seeking ways to acquire a larger readership. I hope you consider our circumstances in your decision and thank you so much. It is appreciated!
We seek submissions of poetry, prose, interviews, and digital art. We do not currently have a strict aesthetic we abide by as we are still a fledgling publication. We will understand our direction better once the first issue is released in December 2018. However, we do have a few ideas what our accepted submissions should look like.
Our poetry will generally be shorter, around 15-20 lines or so. We accept multiple poems at a time with no limit and very well may accept all poems sent to us. We like poems which use simplistic language to highlight a deep and complex meaning which leaves us pondering and awed.
Our prose will generally be short as well, approximately 1 page or so. Once again, we enjoy prose most when it deals with a simplistic idea and expands into something we could not have imagined. We want the story to take twists and turns and leaps and takes us along side by side with the story, never losing track.
Interviews dive deep into the character of the person being interviewed. Those being interviewed should generally be literary figures at any stages in their career. Preferably emerging writers or younger writers seeking new opportunities for exposure. An interview conducted by the editor-in-Chief, Rainier Harris, with the novelist and Emmy award winning writer, Kate Manning, will be featured in issue one in December 2018.
Digital art make us question and gaze at it for hours upon end. There is really no limitations regarding what we will or will not accept in this category. Preferably, we like art which lies somewhere between dark themed and colorful but never entirely one or the other.
Our first issue is forthcoming in December 2018.
Editors Name Rainier Harris
Print publication? No
Circulation N/A
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL Weary Blues Magazine Guidelines
Approx. Response Time? 1 week
How often do you publish? Quarterly
Year Founded? 2018
Do you pay? No
Twitter N/A
Mailing Address:
Email wearybluesmagazine@gmail.com
Facebook N/A
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