Weird Lit Magazine
From the Editor
Our mission with Weird Lit Magazine is straightforward: provide a platform for the weird and boundless. In a time of heightened social pressure, franchise mania, and evil-billionaire-worship, we believe the world needs more originality, more artistic integrity, and for Sasquatch’s sake, more weird. Of course, weird for the sake of being weird is not enough. Like our more straight-laced literati counterparts, we seek out fiction that explores the human condition and its depths—we just prefer our bellybutton-gazing with a heavy hit of the strange and unusual. Weird or not, there’s a little secret about fiction we writers and editors know: it is a powerful truth-telling tool. The hardest truths are magically made palatable when probed through make-believe. Truths about grief and loss, about corruption and betrayal, about love unrequited and dreams unrealized. And it’s not all sorrow here in the underbelly; we get tickled too. Ideas of wonder and intrigue keep us going. They keep us thinking and growing. Keep us hoping. Hunter S. Thompson famously claimed, “When the going gets weird, the weird go pro.” We at Weird Lit are doing what we can to ensure that reality by publishing substantive weird fiction and art. Weird Lit Magazine strives to support freedom of expression, engage community, and foster the free exchange of ideas. Weird Lit Magazine values inclusivity, emerging voices, diversity of ideas, and nonconformity.
Weird Lit Magazine seeks stories with a strong voice and encourage non-realist narratives and settings. We are interested in pieces under 3000 words in the following styles and moods: Absurdist, ambiguous, avant garde, bleak, dark, deadpan, existential, experimental, grotesque, hopeful, horror, humorous, literary, magical realism, noir, psychological, slipstream, speculative, supernatural, weird Works we don’t want: Erotica, fanfic, shallow revenge stories, rewritten fairytales and fables, rough drafts, swords-and-boards fantasy, hard sci-fi, YA, AI-generated or AI-assisted prose, or pieces with overt racist, sexist, or homophobic themes. We do not accept pieces that contain graphic depictions of rape, pedophilia, or excessive gun violence, and we do not want anything involving established IPs, e.g. Disney characters. We aim to respond to all submissions within one month. Simultaneous submissions are fine, just let us know as soon as possible if your piece has been selected for publication elsewhere. We are not publishing reprints at this time.
Our fall reading period ends September 1, 2024 with the issue to be published on the autumnal equinox. We publish each quarter on the equinoxes and solstices.
Editors Name Dina Dwyer
Print publication? No
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL
Approx. Response Time? 30 days
How often do you publish? Quarterly
Year Founded? 2024
Do you pay? not yet
Mailing Address:
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