Who Let The Stories Out?
About the Publisher
Who Let The Stories Out? began out of frustration of trying to find short stories from Australian and international writers who use the traditional narrative form of having a plot (i.e. a beginning, a middle and an end). It will be a home for writers who are unafraid to break ‘rules’ e.g. avoid adverbs, tell rather than show, avoid the passive voice, and all the other rules that kill creativity. Our only rule is ‘tell us a good story’. We are tired of: Lyrical and/or pretentious prose, especially of the creativity-killing type taught in MFA programs. Zombie apocalypse, dystopia, science fiction, fantasy etc Fatuous folk wisdom, greeting card sentimentality and their ilk Thinly veiled political or social diatribes Stories that don’t avoid cliches like the plague Stories based on the premise that all people older or younger than you are stupid, all men are monsters, all women are harridans, all children are cute or any other illusion that all people of a particular race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, age etc are as pure as the driven snow. (Dig deeper and write about real people and situations and why they might be what they are.) Stories peppered with references to genitalia, sexual intercourse, or any form of abuse. We know those stories are out there. Send them to us. This is an initiative by Doug Jacquier but he may be joined later by other kindred souls. He is a writer himself, from the Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia. His works of fiction, nonfiction and poetry have been published in the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and India. He blogs at https://sixcrookedhighways.com/ and is the editor of the humour site, Witcraft
Submission Guidelines: Stories will initially be limited to 2,000 words but may expand to longer stories in the future. All stories must be submitted in English. The magazine will be published online monthly. It will contain up to 10 stories we have selected, sometimes less if there are insufficient quality submissions. The hope is to recruit sympathetic experienced writers as volunteer readers as we grow. It will also contain a Chocolate Wheel story i.e. a story selected totally at random from submissions received, just to challenge our perceptions of what is ‘good’ writing. There will be no entry fees but we will strongly encourage donations to cover the basic costs of the site e.g. hosting, submission processing fees etc. Initially, submissions will be cut off after the first 100 to ensure this project is manageable for a one-man band. The ‘team’ will include me, myself and I until I can find others equally as crazy as me that want to make this idea work. There will be no payment for publication, unless there is a sponsored competition. We will acquire no rights but you will need to affirm that you have the current rights to publish it. If your story has been previously published to a wide readership, we will not publish it but personal blogs don’t count as previously published in our view. Everyone sends simultaneous submissions and we couldn’t care less. Just have the courtesy to let us know if it is accepted elsewhere, you lucky person. Spamming by writers that clearly have no idea who they are submitting to, and nor do they care, will result in instant and permanent blocking of that author. Genres and subject matter that are highly unlikely to see the light of day in this litmag include: Lyrical and/or pretentious prose, especially of the creativity-killing type taught in MFA programs. Zombie apocalypse, dystopia, science fiction, fantasy etc Fatuous folk wisdom, greeting card sentimentality and their ilk Thinly veiled political or social diatribes Stories that don’t avoid cliches like the plague Stories based on the premise that all people older or younger than you are stupid, all men are monsters, all women are harridans, all children are cute or any other illusion that all people of a particular race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, age etc are as pure as the driven snow. (Dig deeper and write about real people and situations and why they might be what they are.) Stories peppered with references to genitalia, sexual intercourse, or any form of abuse. Please send all submissions via Duosoma: https://duotrope.com/duosuma/submit/who-let-the-stories-out-DdFg0
Editors Name Doug Jacquier
Print publication? No
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL https://storiesout.org/submissions/
Approx. Response Time? 14 days
How often do you publish? Monthly
Year Founded? 2024
Do you pay? No
Mailing Address:
Email contactstoriesout@gmail.com
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