The Woven Tale Press
From the Editor
“I love sharing in the adventure of WTP.” –DeWitt Henry, Ploughshares literary journal founder and WTP Contributing Editor
The Woven Tale Press, a fine arts and literary magazine, monthly exhibits the literary, artful, and innovative. The WTP mission is to grow Web traffic to noteworthy writers, photographers and artists, both emerging and established–contributors are credited with interactive URLs back to their sites. By growing this Web traffic, WTP also aspires to garner the interest of galleries and literary agents who may turn to its pages seeking new talents. Our monthly magazine has featured multiple Pushcart Prize nominees, poet laureates, and internationally acclaimed artists.
“You know that bad feeling you have when you think of all of the great art and writing that are bypassing your attention, escaping your notice? Now we have The Woven Tale Press, one last Hail Mary Pass to catch, one last chance to get the best of what’s about to be missed, and I’m grateful.“ –Beth Ann Fennelly, Mississippi Poet Laureate
The Press welcomes submissions of poetry, fiction, memoir, flash fiction and the experimental. We also consider literary works accompanied by original art images. We pride ourselves on being eclectic. Our only prerequisite is that you must have a blog or website url.
Editors Name Sandra Tyler
Print publication? No
Circulation 2500-5000
Do you take online submissions? Yes
Submission Guidelines URL
Approx. Response Time? 4-8 weeks
How often do you publish? 10/year
Year Founded? 2013
Do you pay? No
Twitter @thewoventalepress
Mailing Address:
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