2 thoughts on “Our New Digital is here, Print issue delayed

  1. Congratulations.

    You have done a great job. But why haven’t you sent my prize money as promised? Was it just empty words? Please, I have been waiting for more than a month. Each day drags on with your empty assurances—’ I had a busy week,’ ‘The money will be sent by the end of this week.’ Weeks have turned into a month, and still nothing.

    What did you ask me to send a bunch of documents and IDs for? Just for $100 that I have yet to see? It’s humiliating. I thought you were different, not like those other magazines that use writers, publish their works, and never pay them.

    Prove me wrong. Show me that you are not like them. Tell me what other document you need before you send my money. Birth certificates, ordinary level and advanced level certificates, my photo, university ID, National Identity Number, bank details, SARIS details—I’ve sent it all.

    If I mistakenly trusted the wrong site, please forgive me. I believed you were different. I need that money. The stress is unbearable. Please, I beg you, help me. Every day this wait crushes me a bit more. Please…

    Or is it just because I’m a poor black African, I don’t stand a chance to ask for what’s rightful mine?

  2. We have confirmed that you used AI and cheated on the contest. We will not be sending you money. We are asking you to stop posting on our site. We have blocked you and we have now asked you to stop. Part of the contest rules that we ONLY send money through paypal. You are disqualified on both counts.

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