Every Writer will publish a digital/print issue 4 times a year. We have set a publishing schedule for the first time and are taking submissions. If you have published your work, book listing, or literary magazine listing with us, you may already be in the issue! Our new publishing schedule will be as follows:
March 31
June 30
September 30
December 31
On these dates, our magazine will be sent to our email list subscribers digitally and available for purchase in print. If you want this issue, sign up for our mailing list!
Our 2.1 Q1 issue is already being constructed, entitled: Robot Artists Dream of Neon Publishing Deals will be available on March 31. Any poem, short story, or article that has appeared on our site from 01/01/23-03/20/23 will be in this issue! There is still time.
This issue dives into artificial intelligence’s influence on writing and art. We hope you will send us your work and check out our first issue of 2023. If you want to be published with us, send your work to eds@everywritersresource.com with fiction or poetry in the subject line.