At the Confluence and Beyond by Haris Adhikari

At the Confluence and Beyond

by Haris Adhikari


Much noise there is
when two sprightly streams
bump into each other, bringing forth
the hidden color of water

What do they churn out of themselves?
I wonder

I wonder
what a spiritual ecstasy springs forth
from their acts of declining
hurls and hugs
into an inebriated river
with a slow
and serene motion!
I wonder

I wonder
about their deepening depths that leave
green reflections behind.

Haris Adhikari is from Nepal. He holds an MA in English and American literature from Tribhuvan University. He is a lecturer of English and edits Misty Mountain Review, an online journal of short poetry. His first poetry anthology, Flowing with a River, was published by The Society of Nepali Writers in English (NWEN). Currently, he is working on That Distant Lane, a chapbook of children’s poetry. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in London Grip New Poetry, Red Fez Journal, Buddhist Poetry Review, Cyclamens and Swords Publishing, The Citron Review, The Rusty Nail Magazine, Mad Swirl, Red Box Kite, Of Nepalese Clay, The Enchanting Verses Literary Review, Message in a Bottle, Lyrical Passion Poetry, Essence Poetry & Yes, Poetry.

To read more of his poems, visit: