Ericka Clay is a published novelist and poet. As a former atheist turned believer, she seeks to write raw, real, relatable books that have
The old dog on New Year’s Eve by Vandana Kumar
Vandana Kumar is a French teacher, translator, recruitment consultant, Indie Film Producer, cinephile and poet residing in New Delhi, India.
Gods Tears by Jezabel Castillo
Jezabel Castillo is 17 years old from New York. She has been writing poetry for 5 years and strives to pursue her dream career of becoming a Published Poet
How Ridiculous That I Am by Kim Hooper
Kim Hooper is the author of six novels, including People Who Knew Me, which was adapted into an episodic podcast from BBC Sounds.
The Boy Left In The Attic by Kushal Poddar
Kushal Poddar is the of ‘Postmarked Quarantine’ has eight books to his credit. He is a journalist, father, and the editor of ‘Words Surfacing’. His works
The In-Conspicuous by Peter Magliocco
Peter Magliocco writes from Las Vegas, Nevada, where for years he’s been active in the small presses as editor, writer, poet, and artist.
The Person I Used To Be by Richard LeDue
Richard LeDue (he/him) is the author of eight books of poetry. His work has appeared in the Eunioa Review, Neologism Poetry Journal, Briefly Zine, and other publications, both online and in print
My Strange Affinity to the One Who Shall Not Be Named
Yaocheng is a university student and moves around awfully lot and Toronto is Yaocheng’s next destination.
Pretty Lights by John Frank Haugh
John Frank Haugh’s writing has been published in storySouth, The North Carolina Literary Review, Notre Dame Magazine, Main Street Rag, Rat’s Ass Review, The Wall Street Journal, and elsewhere.
Life is Precious by William Wiggins
William Wiggins is an African American writer who is currently pursuing his Master’s in Psychology at the University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Winging It by Michael Waterson
Michael Waterson is a retired journalist originally from Pittsburgh PA. His career includes stints as a seasonal firefighter, San Francisco taxi driver and wine educator. He earned an MFA from Mills College.
Chasm, What Chasm? by Andrew Kuo
Andrew Kuo works at a library in Northern California. He is working on his writing at Sarah Lawrence College.
Eastman by Amanda Iacampo
Eastman by Amanda Iacampo “Boy,” she said, “Pick a Christian name,” I stared blankly back at her, And my heart died the moment she put the blades of the scissor to my hair I winced as I heard the sickening -kerplunk- of the thick braid, as it fell from the nape of my neck […]
2% Milk by Amanda Wall
The milk you gave me was skim. I wanted two percent, I would’ve even taken one.
wait by Kanchan Chatterjee
she reads tarot cards
got a great smile too