Lunch Break, Kansas by Devin Harrison The children dip midday under broad-armed elms by the edge of the lake cup their hands in water send schools of marbled green glass minnows shuttering through the shallows we have just come off an endless summer road, stopped for play after miles of wheat and Milo and dust […]
Freda Kahlo’s Cry by Laura Solomon
Freda Kahlo’s Cry by Laura Solomon Today the ghost of me attended My own exhibition at the Tate Modern. All those paintings on display, The ones that I laboured over for so long. The sickening part was the merchandise. Coffee mugs, calendars, prints, clocks all with either me or one of my paintings thereupon. Somebody’s […]
Remembered Village by Lydia LeRoy-Williams
Remembered Village My cob webbed mind gave way to us again, me, bathing in a Parisian pool while you glance at me over your Rumi, sipping wine and speaking lyrically of beaming light, moons, and happy memories. Awakening to sunlight, laughing, weightless across our room. Exploring cobblestone byways, old bakeries in full swing, the sweet […]
Letter I by B. L. Goss
Letter I by B. L. Goss Last I checked there were no saints in this shabby hole of a beachtown hideout just us, only us trying our damndest to get somewhere like heaven and slipping into the temporary bliss of biology in stead. Breathe deep, those stars are calling. I believe they’re coming closer and […]