A Day at the Office by Mark Kerstetter Boggled. Paper stacked beneath a box of pencils, paint hardened in tubes, images not rendered fill mental picture frames like engorged intestines. A perimeter of nails, now rusty, encapsulates the unreliable frames. A pummeled palmetto bug drags itself out of the dust only to halt in the […]
Room to Room by Stacey Margaret Jones
Stacey’s poems have also been published in Slant, Ariel, North Coast Review, Shelterbelt and Agave
Devoted by Janice Canerdy
Each day from dawn till late at night,
she only wished to do his will.
Submit your work to many editors!
Yep you read that right. We are setting up a publishing data house where you can submit your work and many editors can read it. Those editors can then contact you if they want to publish your work. It works the same way if you are an editor looking for work to publish. It works […]
I Really Hate Doing This! We Need Your Help!
I really hate doing this! We need your help again. We have run our: Raise Money Campaign very quietly. It turns out, that’s not the best way to try to raise money for something. So, we are running this request to all of our readers once again. I hate asking for money, and please believe […]
The Blues by Amit Parmessur
The Blues by Amit Parmessur Around blue, white oceans, in a blue and black house dwells a black speck. So black, so blue black alive, emotionally blue. Sometimes like a fresh road, after the rain, spellbinding every periwinkle and sometimes imitating a baffled bluebird he has had the blues so, so often that he […]
Plans by Jane Hanser
Plans by Jane Hanser He who offered so much life lies resting in the ground Stones and grass and monuments and flowers all around Our breaths are frozen in the cold Our thoughts more frozen still Our son his youth a memory upon this wind blown hill. We’ll ne’er forget his laughter or his smile […]
Las Estaciones by Nanette L. Avery
The wind, the sky, the light weaves in and out
Las estaciones del a?o, they speak to all
Faithfully returning like an evening porch light
Conundrum by Glen Sorestad
If a minimalist poet
presents a workshop,
The Lion Pauses by henry 7. reneau, jr.
The Lion Pauses by henry 7. reneau, jr. Sunday, February 21st standing at the podium, The Audubon Ballroom in Harlem Preachin to the choir & pauses In a moment between tick & tock, a d’j’ vu that hovered A glimpse of repetition, Epiphany that sowed sorrow in the stutter of his heart; His blood recounts […]
Hungry Words by Aleisha Goodman
Hungry Words by Aleisha Goodman We are split in different directions that our pride and egos will not let us touch. keeping us at a distance that not even our words can reach They will be spoken then evaporate in thin air as they leave our hungry lips like the ambers of a cigarette They […]
Things we know by Dave Margoshes
Everybody knows the man in the moon
is blue cheese, that dogs keep the sun at bay
in winter, that fireflies are the souls
of the dearly departed, flickering through
Chino and Chambray by Donal Mahoney
Chino and Chambray by Donal Mahoney Forty years older than I, Charles, in his tweed cap, stands starched in gray chino and blue chambray. For more than a year his broad tie has let the same iridescent duck fly against a vermillion sky. Like a Vatican Guard he oversees the parking lot I cut through […]
Emily by Cassandra Langer
Emily by Cassandra Langer So shall I rain down kisses Upon you tracing the sweet cascading Line of your throat’s curving Water flowing towards all the Yet to be discovered places My mind travels looking at you Eyes sliding away from imagining Through the half shadows From which you are emerging The old fear shoots […]
Complimentary Cocktails by Wanda Morrow Clevenger
Bare necks blushed and sweat soaked my bra,
Matt smoothed is hair, again,