A Day at the Office by Mark Kerstetter
A Day at the Office by Mark Kerstetter Boggled. Paper stacked beneath a box of pencils, paint hardened in tubes,
A Poem A Day
A Day at the Office by Mark Kerstetter Boggled. Paper stacked beneath a box of pencils, paint hardened in tubes,
Stacey’s poems have also been published in Slant, Ariel, North Coast Review, Shelterbelt and Agave
Yep you read that right. We are setting up a publishing data house where you can submit your work and
I really hate doing this! We need your help again. We have run our: Raise Money Campaign very quietly. It
The Blues by Amit Parmessur Around blue, white oceans, in a blue and black house dwells a black speck.
Plans by Jane Hanser He who offered so much life lies resting in the ground Stones and grass and monuments
The wind, the sky, the light weaves in and out
Las estaciones del a?o, they speak to all
Faithfully returning like an evening porch light
The Lion Pauses by henry 7. reneau, jr. Sunday, February 21st standing at the podium, The Audubon Ballroom in Harlem
Hungry Words by Aleisha Goodman We are split in different directions that our pride and egos will not let us
Everybody knows the man in the moon
is blue cheese, that dogs keep the sun at bay
in winter, that fireflies are the souls
of the dearly departed, flickering through
Chino and Chambray by Donal Mahoney Forty years older than I, Charles, in his tweed cap, stands starched in gray
Emily by Cassandra Langer So shall I rain down kisses Upon you tracing the sweet cascading Line of your throat’s