Come Around Back Now by Eric Dittmar How are you ever Going to get out from under this? It hunts with its nose It is brave from lack of sleep Onions, cantaloupe, red cabbage, moss Don’t shop hungry Don’t go to sleep mad Now strut for the camera Twitch if you please Come around back […]
The Last Storm by Brian Lawson
The Last Storm by Brian Lawson It stormed this evening. It was invigorating. The wind bent the trees and turned the rain into a water wall. The hail fell as if God had just emptied his ice tray. The thunder roared like a grizzly in the sky. The lightning flashed sharp shards of knife-like light. […]
A Snow Day Hue by Lori Lipsky
A Snow Day Hue by Lori Lipsky Solitude arrived today on the color white. It blew in at a diagonal with swirls of wind and achieved its blanket result before early night covered the gray. ### Lori Lipsky lives in Waunakee, WI with her husband and their daughter. She blogs at Visits and Verse: […]
Montana Sunrise by Tim Dyson
Montana Sunrise by Tim Dyson You do not know her, not really Nor do I, neither did the men Who took her and did whatever Bestial strangers do to fleshy things One sneaker found at the edge Of the small, once-safe town Two pitiless killers guzzling a beer Somewhere in western North Dakota Local authorities […]
golden apple by Richard Mendelson
golden apple by Richard Mendelson how did it taste that apple in the garden imagine two lovers sitting gently together enjoying their blasphemous fruits gazing fondly at each-other mouths full eyes leering lustful waiting for who to arrive ### My name is Richard Mendelson, I’m 23 years old and currently reside in West Hartford, CT.
HAI! by Susan Elliott
HAI! by: Susan Elliott Evenings here, Konichiwa! The gajin came to town. Itadakimasu opens. Serving ocha all around. Itame holds in his hand suribachi, surikogi. While geta waits till orders up, Una-don, norimaki, ebi. Omakase for best friends tazuna rolls, sashimi. Futomaki won’t be enough the gajin still are hungry. Yum, Yum, so good […]
Equarium strange by Dr. Narendra Kumar Arya
Equarium strange by Dr. Narendra Kumar Arya Around the lame-lit fogginess Dark figures are swimming They have the heads Eyes too Lips and nose intact as well But faces from their beings are missing. Their bodies are jumbling into each other Changing identities perversely As if floating in oblivion; So close As dead fishes in […]
Child Among Metal Sculptures by DWE Scott
Child Among Metal Sculptures by DWE Scott Roll the metal sculptures out; Shake out their gnarled limbs; Loosen their terrible torsos; Let the air be filled with horrible clankings; Let it grow rank with sulphur smells And be splattered with blue bruises and yellow flames. True they scare the children, But the tortured faces are […]
Paper Birches by Glen Sorestad
Paper Birches by Glen Sorestad The clump birches beside the lakeshore are slowly peeling off their papery attire like well-practised lovers intent on sustaining that delicate tension between fantasy and reality. ### Glen Sorestad is a much published poet with over 20 books of poems. His poems have been translated into a half-dozen languages and […]
Hawk by Andrew Demcak
Hawk by Andrew Demcak Wings open, wind-carried, an angel’s book. Talons ready to change music to that of funeral dirge. Fixer, finder, life-adopter, sailing through cool ether. Mouse, you are not your hallowed body. Spectacular, the pale glory of flight, sublimely alone. One sharp cry above the May iris, or by winter, over branching pipes […]
Neon on the Outskirts at the Break of Dawn by Allan Safarik
Neon on the Outskirts at the Break of Dawn by Allan Safarik Washed out neon in the morning sun like a fish out of water A swift silence follows the odd vehicle travelling through town there are no people on the sidewalks as the crows fly up from the main intersection when the light changes […]
Poem Found in a Wood by Ian Dudley
Poem Found in a Wood by Ian Dudley the low sun turns puddles into sheets of sky indigo where the moon gathers its white and the custard and blood leaves of a cherry tree dying remember light a pheasant puts its sore throat to a trumpet a white-tipped propeller whirls into the trees cachinnating like […]
Changes to our submissions
We are looking for the best poetry out there! Send us your work, and we have a BIG CHANGE to our submissions policy. It is no longer required to submit your photo. If you would like your photo published with your work, you may submit one, but it is no longer required. Please send 3 […]
Autumn Portrait by Brian Drury
Autumn Portrait by Brian Drury When the day ends, she goes for a walk. She breathes in the autumn: How the Juniper leaves feel nothing. She remembers walking hand in hand With her father a long time ago, Her little hands cupped within his, Squeezing his fingers so tightly, No space between and safe. They […]
Morning by Tim Heron
Morning by Tim Heron Morning. She gets up. The shutters paint Her face a zebra. The curtains whisper: It’s a grey day, not a bad day, So she sips her tea with a sigh, A smile and a cigarette ### Tim Heron is 24 and was born in Belfast, in Ireland, but he grew up […]