I sleep on futon
by Hirotoshi Kimura
Sunshine falling
Sweet grass swaying
I sleep on futon
Now raindrops falling
A lively chorus creating
I sleep on futon
A mauve silken cloth overspreading
A blanket of crisp air waving
I sleep on futon
Broad heaven darkling
Crickets chirping
I sleep on futon
Pecking sounds heard
A moment light as fur
I pretend to sleep still
Hirotoshi Kimura is a Japanese poet. Almost drowned in the creative struggles of past poets and every once in a while delightfully buoyed by their densely condensed poetic and literary energies, my life is devoted to reading and literary creation. My credo is “From the beautiful springs the mundane, from the mundane springs the beautiful, from a delicate mixture of the two, a divine spirit.”