Late Spring On The Potomac River Near Hancock, Maryland by Robert Halleck

Late Spring On The Potomac River Near Hancock, Maryland

by Robert Halleck

Cold water numbs legs
putting canoes into the
river. Partially leafed trees
cover the recent remains
of floods: a Styrofoam cooler,
bottles, a one armed shirt.
Leaning back, paddling down-
stream is easy. Small Bass
fooled by lures are released
to someday be fooled for the
last time. The current and
white water will shrink in summer
heat to expose sentinel rocks
leaking their gift of salt to
a downstream sea.


Robert Halleck has been writing poetry since 1958. His recent work has appeared in the San Diego Poetry Annual, Chiron, Third Wednesday, The Peeking Cat Review, and Main Street Rag. He is a member of San Diego’s Not Dead Yet Poets and hopes to remain so for a long time. For a number of years he has attended the Kenyon Review’s Summer Workshop.