Radio by Michael Vander Does

Vander Does


by Michael Vander Does

Frequencies compete
Bouncing in and out
Speaking over each other.
From one direction comes a preacher
Telling me prayers are not answered overnight
You have to wait
And I wonder
What good is religion
If it only helps you wait
For the fullness of time.
And competing for air
Duke and Johnny Hodges
Are saying to me
Listen to this sweetness now
And if this is what you want
You can have this sweetness now
And I pray for the preacher’s voice to fade.

Michael Vander Does writes for and performs with The Jazz Poetry Ensemble  in Columbus, OH, where he lives with three cats and a garden. He has been published off and on for more than 30 years in places like The Croton Review, Negative Capability, Caf Noir, The Istanbul Literary Review, Connotations Press, and Tryst ( who nominated him for a Pushcart Prize). He has occasionally been recognized for his work, most recently as the Honored Community Artist by the Columbus Community Festival. For more information about Michael and The Jazz Poetry Ensemble, visit