Spider Medicine by Angela Muir


Spider Medicine

by Angela Muir

Spent the day relocating spiders from their homes
Tucked in corners and on window sills
Refreshing the damp towels with dry ones
And wiping the slates clean

Chalk powder collected from years of ideas
Now just dust among the banana peels
And lemon rinds

Soon I will put the books and old letters in boxes
Stacked and labeled
Ready to ship

Twenty four days of sea sick pans and denim cut offs
Until the anchor drops

And then I weave again
New life made from shreds of tattered scarves stored through the winters

I can only hope you have your silk to share.


Angie Muir is an artist, writer and yogi living in Kailua, Hawaii. She is a graduate of the University of Michigan where she studied English, Theater and Film. She spent ten years in Seattle working on several short independent films and writing a feature length screenplay now in post-production. Currently, Angie works with The Spirit Weavers Gathering and aspires to finish her first collection of poetry by the end of the year.