The Piano And His Boy by April Votolato


The Piano And His Boy

by April Votolato

like sleep comes
like lungs fill with air
so too, we let go

my flowered lips
turned down
your perfect laugh
came undone

and in silence we sat
as two, mourning
what seconds before,
was one.


April Votolato is a writer and visual artist from Seattle Washington where she lives with her two children, and husband, singer songwriter Rocky Votolato. For the past decade April has been managing all art direction for Rocky’s business and has helped co-write several songs along side him.
One of her most recent poems “A Ghost In The Sun” was adapted into the title track song on his latest release Hospital Handshakes. April is in the process of finishing her first collection of poems due to be completed by early fall 2015.
There is nothing April loves more then good conversations over hot tea (preferably black).