Uma y Boris by Amy Wright

Uma y Boris

by Amy Wright

Let us long because we are to be filled…
that is our life, to be exercised by longing
-Saint Augustine

The nighttime of our lives is filled
with crickets chirping in the darkness
of their dark bodies. I hold your hips
with the grip of my thighs, twitch
when you kiss my temples thrum
the counterpoint of peace as an
argument for peace

The rhythm is in
the unexpectant break
of melody.

When you give me each movement
of your grandfather’s tango
by opening and closing
your eyes, I can read anything
and never have

in this language
I am learning to speak
so that I can explain it
to your mother,
offer her something
in the southern manner
when you leave the sails
of her arms for mine.

Tell me
exceptel momento
preciso you began
to scent our bed w/
the waft of another,
because knowing it
has no reason
is not to trust
the ending.


Amy is the author of three chapbooks, Farm, There Are No New Ways To Kill A Man, and the forthcoming The Garden Will Give You A Fat Lip, which won the 2012 Pavement Saw Chapbook Award. She is also the Nonfiction Editor of Zone 3 journal and Zone 3 Press.