6 thoughts on “How to protect your writing from theft

  1. My son is a incarcerated writer trying to get published,I am trying to help but don’t know who would be best for him to deal with,any suggestions.? He has 4 books written,urban fiction,who would be best for this kind of work? Thank you for your time. Sandra

  2. A friend of mine wrote a book started it in 1997 his cousin recently published it the book is called Loyalty Love and Betrayal by wayne grind but really Bernell Earl wrote this book and hes writing more to this book as well hes started another book his cousin wayne has changed the characters in the book i read this book back in 2008 when Burnell asked me to see what i think of it he wrote it all on that long yellow pad paper they have in jail its sad bout his cousin to steal his book and pass it off as his own.he could never write like that and the proof is within Burnell new book that its his work cant beleive family would sink so low.if anyone wants to speak with Burnell hes incarcerated in Angola and thats where hes writing his books as the last one that was stolen.

  3. I recently finished my first novel, and I’m writing another already. I am not sure about how to publish it, and I’m scared that the book might get stolen or I might get scammed. what can I do?

  4. I have written a book and sent it to the publisher. They seemed to be recommended. I have written to them twice asking for the proofs. Twice they have written back saying they will send the proofs. I have seen nothing. I am really quite worried. They have had my book for 12 weeks now and have not sent me any edited proofs or cover work. I am beginning to think the book has been stolen.

  5. I need help being pointed in the right. direction I’m not a professional writer nothing like that but I have what I’m guessing it would fall under short stories and genre horror or paranormal. I don’t know how to go about getting it out there and some feedback on without it possibly being stolen or rewritten. I am very confident that the story could be a success. I mean should I do an audio book? an ebook? I need a professional opinion someone please point me in the right direction.

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