The mistakes of self-published book authors can be overwhelming: A collective cheer rang out among aspiring authors when self-publishing
Self Publishing
The waters of self-publishing are difficult to navigate. That’s why EWR has aimed to continue to provide helpful and relevant content to writers of all types, providing resources for an array of publishing options. In this section, you will find articles and tips to help you along every step of the way. While we’ve got plenty of content on its way, here are just a few subjects we’ll cover to take you from manuscript to publishing.
- The benefits of self-publishing
- The pitfalls of self-publishing
- Vanity publishing and why to avoid them
- How much money you can make self-publishing
- Ways to market your books
- Self-publishing mistakes
- Publishing timelines
Getting your dreams off the ground is a lot of work, we know. But, we believe in writers, and we’re excited you’ve chosen us as a resource to turn your story into something the entire world can enjoy. So, make another cup of coffee, let us help you, and don’t forget to tell us about your journey along the way. Leave us a comment or share an article. And let us know if there’s any other content you’d like to see from us in this ever-changing industry. #NeverStopWriting
Should I Self Publish My Book?
Should I Self Publish My Book? If you are thinking about self-publishing vs. traditional publishing, we have another article
Ways to Sell Your Self-Published Book
Selling books on the internet has become a massive industry, but breaking into the market is very difficult. Here are some tips on how to build and sell your self-published books online.
Top 10 Reasons to self publish your book
Ok, so you’ve seen the self-published books making the bestsellers list, and you are thinking hard about publishing your own book. Here are 10 reasons why
When do I self-publish my work?
Self-publishing is a big decision. If you have poured your heart and soul into a work, you want to give it and yourself the best chance of being successful
Why do Self-Published Authors Need a Website?
Why do Self-Published Authors Need a Website? Getting your book published with a large publishing house is becoming more and more difficult. Book stores are closing, and less and less money is being made by big publishing houses. Some publishers even want to see that authors have build a writing platform online before they will […]