The Final Position
Eoin McDonald
Author Bio
I am an adventurer. I have always been an adventurer as long as I can remember. Always going around the corner to see what is there. Life has taught me to be cautious of leaping over the fence to see if the grass is better. So I have learned many precautionary tricks, like checking out the surroundings before going head first into any situation. Anything can be an adventure. Looking into a nearby forest or taking a trip into a Country you have never experienced before. I have been fortunate to have gone to many places and lived there for a short time and been able to search out the makings of their society while taking in the sights, sounds, food, and culture. It has been fun and given rise to my love of writing. Since I was a child I have loved to write stories. My imagination is like that. The teacher may not of appreciated this, he only commented on my grammar but I took great pleasure in telling my tales. Sort of an innermost satisfaction. I hope I can convey to you my love for telling stories, just like I did for my children when they were growing up Eoin McDonald
Surfieron is an inhabitable planet in the W26 area of space. It was discovered back in 2017, and it was shown to have signs of liquid water. When the first explorers arrived they found other groups of humanoid species living there. Some were primitive others had technological advancements. Soon settlers arrived with high ideals. They were Onewayers. Since then a thriving community has evolved with people coming from all over the Earth; as Earth disintegrated under meteor showers, the division and dissension of society, and plagues. Five generations later have we learned anything? As society developed on Surfieron, and the settlers grappled with what resources were available, people were faced with new problems and different circumstances. Weather patterns were foreign to the new settlers. The indigenous natives were of a totally different disposition from what they had ever encountered. What resources and equipment they had brought with them soon ran out or wore out. Thankfully, ingenious and industrious Onewayers were also in the mix of travelers. Not all ideologists were opposed to industry, as ideology gave way to reasoning. The reasoning of survival. Over a period of time, some of the indigenous population intermingled with the Onewayers. Cliques were set up and new prejudices showed their head. There were advantages and disadvantages. Five generations on, the evolved population was considered acceptable but there was a class system evolving as well. Many never considered politics as a necessity. However, as the population grew there evolved a means of administration. This morphed into a system of politics that was not much different from what history showed them, which was evident on Earth Henriek descended from the great Teratama, the founder and Chief Herdsman of the Suotsuy nation. He knew little about his heritage because his mother had assimilated into the Celtonic society, and as far as he was aware he never knew his father. Growing up wasn’t easy in an evolving society. Thomas Tutanakye took control of the developing country of Gambolina by stealth. He was ambitious and desired to rule supremely. Piece by piece, and bit by bit he shaped the proletariat into a submissive force. That wasn’t enough for him, he wanted to be a Divine ruler. His wife, Jocelin had her own agenda. Bored of a husband who was only interested in his own ego-driven ambition, she slipped into a disposition of satisfying her own desires.
Book excerpt
The largest densities of Suotsuy were settled in the area between Lake Mungwen and the border of Gambolina. Many had migrated over the border and lived in Gambolina but kept near their homeland. The Babbit River flowed out of the Lake toward the coast past Whambunga and formed part of the border between the three countries. To the West, there were the Lands of Desolation, and only nomadic people traveled through the area of sulphuric hills and salt plains. There was the occasional outpost dotted around the area where scientists tried measuring weather patterns from there and the effects the mineral-rich area had on the region. Most outposts were abandoned but were well preserved, nothing lived in the area but Slithers and insects like the Leonis beetle which hatched at the end of the cold weather. Mating for the beetle took part in the sulphuric hills, and then they swarmed the plains areas to lay eggs on the blue/green moss that covered better-watered parts. On the pathway, he stumbled up yellow sandhills and through white crystal salt pans. His feet were swollen and he was gasping for fluid by the time he had tramped far into the Lands of Desolation. His eyes blurry and senses dulled, Gerard was near exhaustion and in despair of ever surviving this ordeal. Gerard Mconikie had eventually found his way to an outpost that had been uninhabited for a couple of years. The outpost had provisions, left by previous scientific staff, also a water supply which was in large sealed drums, this had been transported to it some time ago. He was disheveled and parched. Starving and disorientated. He found a sleeping receptacle and lay down on it ever so carefully with his exhausted and pain-riddled body. He must have slept for two days and awoke to find a nomadic traveler taking care of him. She happened to be passing by with her five Hipokamai on her way through the Lands of Desolation to the northern parts of Limondo. You could tell she was Suotsuy because of her flared nostrils and bronze skin color. Sosolita was unmarried, however, she had been married five times before. She had seen the clean shirts off the back of all her husbands but had no children. She wandered wherever she willed. Sosolita was still an attractive woman but she was a loner. Gerard was still delirious and thought he had met his maker. His eyes were impaired from the long journey over the hills from the stinging sensation of the chemicals in the area that had been blown up by the storm. Sosolita quietly took care of him until finally, he managed to stutter a few words. “Who are you?” “Sosolita.” “What am I doing here?” “So, so.” At this, he drifted back into a deep sleep again. It was some time before he fully recovered and it was convenient for Sosolita to nurse Gerard back to health. She had no better cause for the time being and this situation had settled her for the present. When Gerard had fully recovered, he got to know Sosolita better, and the pair, not knowing what their future held, made a home in the outpost forever how long it was desirable. Gerard knew he couldn’t go back to Upper Guado; the Surveillance Forces would be looking for him. Somehow he had to make his way back to Warambunda. Perhaps Sosolita held the key to that part of the journey. The influence of the Suotsuys filtered through the Armed Forces like a creeping tide. They had a plan and as shrewd as they were, they took their time to implement it. Senior positions were not filled by them in the Forces but they knew that lobbing people like Thomas Tutanakye would eventually produce the fruit they were looking for.
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