Congratulations by Marilyn Braun

Classic Crutch by Jim Sholes
Classic Crutch by Jim Sholes


by Marilyn Braun

Amy wondered if she should post it on Facebook. She was about to explode with excitement and needed to tell someone. Anyone. This was BIG. Bigger than anything, she had ever done before. Even if one person ‘liked’ the status, someone other than herself would know. Might care, as she did. She was not fussy about where the congratulations came from. From a former co-worker, fine. From a distant second cousin she had never met. Great. She would even settle for a ‘like’ from a grade school bully she had reconnected with in the spirit of forgiveness and ‘closure.’

Floyd would not understand. There was no point in sharing the news with him. She had made this mistake many times before. Always hoping it would be different. For every accomplishment came a dismissive lack of reaction. From the most important person in her life.

“You don’t need anyone else to validate your success,” Susan, her online therapist had counselled. Floyd did not know about Susan either.

No, she did not but at the same time, she did. She desperately needed to read ‘terrific,’ ‘congratulations!’ and ‘how wonderful!’ Little droplets of acknowledgement, for the success she had worked so hard to achieve. She had never felt this happy and fulfilled. Yet so alone at the same time.

‘YAY! Another short story acceptance!’ She wrote. Trying to draft the perfect status update that would not sound like she was bragging. Her finger hovered over the Post button.

Maybe Susan was right.