Category: Featured

Manufactured Greatness: By Joshua Carroll

She was standing in the rain. Unmoving, while the tiny drops spattered her blue dress. I watched her from the window. I wanted to walk out to her, tell her that she was the only thing in the world. No, she was holding me back. My feet were glued to the floor, petrified by the truth. The lights of the cab appeared down the street, her head didn?t move. Her shoes were white with spots of mud from the edge of the sidewalk and bits of grass clung to them desperately.

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Electra by Sonia B. SyGaco

The neighbors curled beneath their blankets, waited until the rhythm of anger from the flashing lights and thunder?s cursing abated, heard the first cry of an infant. The husband, an albularyo (folk healer) must have cut the umbilical cord and tied it into a knot. The wife exhausted from such strenuous labor, eyes now closed. The day had been unkind to her, the unbearable pain, brim of death.

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Day 9961 by Felix Ames Glas

In a room, a large living room, Duo sat, his head in his hand, blocking his eyes from the rays of a dying sun. Around him, Louis and Clark, the other tenants–cats–played. The cats were mock fighting, oblivious in feline bliss; meanwhile, Duo was breaking down, National Geographic-like, rapidly becoming an endangered specie. His mind it turned out was not impervious to pain, loneliness

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