Loose Ends By Ronald Robert Moore

Loose Ends

By Ronald Robert Moore


The ambulance screamed through the night. Its exciting lights flashing there red and white warning. When my eyes opened, I stared blankly into the gaze of an Emergency Medical Technician.

“Hey, you?re awake, how you feeling sir.” The technician said in a loud but soothing voice.

I slowly realized I lay on a gurney with an oxygen mask over my face. An intense pain, split through my head and down my neck. My mind tried desperately to remember who I was. I felt so weak, and was filled with fear and panic that my life was coming to an end.

“Am I dying?” I mumbled cautiously.

?No, sir, you just had an epileptic seizure. You?re going to be fine. Oh, what is your name sir?”

My mind churned over like a starter. It hurt to talk but I muttered.

“I’m trying to remember!’

“Oh, that’s all right, just kick back and relax.” The technician replied.

I closed my eyes and began to doze, a blood taste lingered in my mouth but my mind and body were so tired I didn’t care. The gurneys legs popped to attention and woke me up as I was pulled out of the ambulance. Two technicians pushed me into the emergency entrance of the hospital. The glare of the lights hurt my eyes while the attendants and nurse pulled me off the gurney and into a hospital bed.?

I went back to sleep and it seemed like a few moments later that I felt my body shaking but did not want to wake up. “Sir, Sir, wake up. I know your tired but you can sleep later. Uh, Andy, wake up.”

The sound was annoying, then I opened my eyes and saw the doctor shaking my left shoulder. “Ah, finally you are awake. You have had a seizure, you understand me?”

“Yu, yeah Doc, hey, am I alright?”

“We will see,” the doctor said, and used a device to look into my eyes and his fingers to open them real wide.

“You will want to follow up this visit with your own doctor, uh, I’ve studied your x-rays and there are no broken bones or problems of that kind. Your blood test was a little low on anti-seizure medication, you take Dilantin don’t you?

“I don’t know, I can’t remember.”

“Of course”. The doctor said as he left the room.

The nurse breezed in a few minutes later and said.

“You are awake, how you doing?”

“Better, I can remember a little now, how long have I been Here?”

“Oh, not long, a few hours.”

“Well, can I get out of here, ma’am?”

“You bet, hon. Do you need any help?”

The nurse pulled the curtain shut and I began dressing. I thought about the nurse, hopefully she won’t ask about my doctor, the last time I had a seizure the D.M.V. took my driver?s license for three years because the doctor reported it to them. If that happens I’ll lose my motorcycle and my job and everything.


Ronald Robert Moore is a writer who started trying to learn this wonderful craft because he has been a life long reader. His hobbies are reading;writing and fishing. His cat, Whitey, lays on his computer desk and edits his story. His final goal in writing is to craft a salable novel.
Commetary: I wrote the story , “Loose Ends,” in order to give my reader or any readers the opportunity to go through a grand mal seizure. I have epilepsy and have gone through grand mal seizures all my life. Thank you for reading my story.