Mary E. Wilkins


“I should think that was queer, the day before Thanksgivin’,” said Mrs. Little. She was examining the turkey critically. “I guess it’ll do,” she declared finally. That was her highest expression of approbation. “Well, I rayther thought you’d think so,” rejoined the old man, beaming. “I guess it’s about as good a one as can be got they said ’twas, down there. Sam White he was in there, and he said ’twas; he said I was goin’ to get it in pretty good season for Thanksgivin’, he thought.”

“I don’t think it’s such very extra season, the day before Thanksgivin’,” said Mrs. Little.

“Well, I don’t think ’twas, nuther. I didn’t see jest what Sam meant by it.”

Ann Mary was dumb with admiration. When the turkey was laid on the broad shelf in the pantry, she went and gazed upon it. In the afternoon there was great enjoyment seeing it stuffed and made ready for the oven. Indeed, this day was throughout one of great enjoyment, being full of the very aroma of festivity and good cheer and gala times, and even sweeter than the occasion which it preceded. Ann Mary had only one damper all day, and that was the non-arrival of a letter. Mrs. Little had invited her son and his family to spend Thanksgiving, but now they probably were not coming, since not a word in reply had been received. When Mr. Little said there was no letter in the post-office, Ann Mary’s face fell. “Oh, dear,” said she, “don’t you suppose Lucy will come, grandma?”

“No,” replied her grandmother, “I don’t. Edward never did such a thing as not to send me word when he was comin’, in his life, nor Maria neither. I ain’t no idee they’ll come.”

“Oh, dear!” said Ann Mary again.

“Well, you’ll have to make up your mind to it,” returned her grandmother. She was sore over her own disappointment, and so was irascible towards Ann Mary’s. “It’s no worse for you than for the rest of us. I guess you can keep one Thanksgivin’ without Lucy.”

For a while it almost seemed to Ann Mary that she could not. Lucy was her only cousin. She loved Lucy dearly, and she was lonesome for another little girl; nobody knew how she had counted upon seeing her cousin. Ann Mary herself had a forlorn hope that Lucy still might come, even if Uncle Edward was always so particular about sending word, and no word had been received. On Thanksgiving morning she kept running to the window and looking down the road. But when the stage from the village came, it passed right by the house without slackening its speed.

Then there was no hope left at all.

“You might jest as well be easy,” said her grandmother. “I guess you can have a good Thanksgivin’ if Lucy ain’t here. This evenin’ you can ask Loretty to come over a little while, if you want to, an’ you can make some nut-candy.”

“Loretta ain’t at home.”

“She’ll come home for Thanksgivin’, I guess. It ain’t very likely she’s stayed away over that. When I get the dinner ready to take up, you can carry a plateful down to Sarah Bean’s, an’ that’ll be somethin’ for you to do, too. I guess you can manage.”

Thanksgiving Day was a very pleasant day, although there was considerable snow on the ground, for it had snowed all the day before. Mr. Little and Ann Mary did not go to church as usual, on that account.

The old man did not like to drive to the village before the roads were beaten out. Mrs. Little lamented not a little over it. It was the custom for her husband and granddaughter to attend church Thanksgiving morning, while she stayed at home and cooked the dinner. “It does seem dreadful heathenish for nobody to go to meetin’ Thanksgivin’ Day,” said she; “an’ we ain’t even heard the proclamation read, neither. It rained so hard last Sabbath that we couldn’t go.”

The season was unusually wintry and severe, and lately the family had been prevented from church-going. It was two Sundays since any of the family had gone. The village was three miles away, and the road was rough. Mr. Little was too old to drive over it in very bad weather.

When Ann Mary went to carry the plate of Thanksgiving dinner to Sarah Bean, she wore a pair of her grandfather’s blue woollen socks drawn over her shoes to keep out the snow. The snow was rather deep for easy walking, but she did not mind that. She carried the dinner with great care; there was a large plate well filled, and a tin dish was turned over it to keep it warm. Sarah Bean was an old woman who lived alone. Her house was about a quarter of a mile from the Littles’.

When Ann Mary reached the house, she found the old woman making a cup of tea. There did not seem to be much of anything but tea and bread-and-butter for her dinner. She was very deaf and infirm, all her joints shook when she tried to use them, and her voice quavered when she talked. She took the plate, and her hands trembled so that the tin dish played on the plate like a clapper. “Why,” said she, overjoyed, “this looks just like Thanksgiving Day, tell your grandma!”

“Why, it is Thanksgiving Day,” declared Ann Mary, with some wonder.

“What?” asked Sarah Bean.

“It is Thanksgiving Day, you know.” But it was of no use, the old woman could not hear a word. Ann Mary’s voice was too low.

Ann Mary could not walk very fast on account of the snow. She was absent some three-quarters of an hour; her grandmother had told her that dinner would be all on the table when she returned. She was enjoying the nice things in anticipation all the way; when she came near the house, she could smell roasted turkey, and there was also a sweet spicy odor in the air.

She noticed with surprise that a sleigh had been in the yard. “I wonder who’s come,” she said to herself. She thought of Lucy, and whether they could have driven over from the village. She ran in. “Why, who’s come?” she cried out.

Her voice sounded like a shout in her own ears; it seemed to awaken echoes. She fairly startled herself, for there was no one in the room. There was absolute quiet through all the house. There was even no sizzling from the kettles on the stove, for everything had been dished up. The vegetables, all salted and peppered and buttered, were on the table, but the turkey was not there. In the great vacant place where the turkey should have been was a piece of white paper. Ann Mary spied it in a moment. She caught it up and looked at it. It was a note from her grandmother:

We have had word that Aunt Betsey has had a bad turn. Lizz wants us to come. The dinner is all ready for you. If we ain’t home to-night, you can get Loretty to stay with you. Be a good girl. Grandma.

Ann Mary read the note and stood reflecting, her mouth drooping at the corners. Aunt Betsey was Mrs. Little’s sister; Lizz was her daughter who lived with her and took care of her. They lived in Derby, and Derby was fourteen miles away. It seemed a long distance to Ann Mary, and she felt sure that her grandparents could not come home that night. She looked around the empty room and sighed. After a while she sat down and pulled off the snowy socks; she thought she might as well eat her dinner, although she did not feel so hungry as she had expected. Everything was on the table but the turkey and plum-pudding. Ann Mary supposed these were in the oven keeping warm; the door was ajar. But, when she looked, they were not there. She went into the pantry; they were not there either. It was very strange; there was the dripping-pan in which the turkey had been baked, on the back of the stove, with some gravy in it; and there was the empty pudding-dish on the hearth.

“What has grandma done with the turkey and the plum-pudding?” said Ann Mary, aloud.

She looked again in the pantry; then she went down to the cellar there seemed to be so few places in the house in which it was reasonable to search for a turkey and a plum-pudding!

Finally she gave it up, and sat down to dinner. There was plenty of squash and potatoes and turnips and onions and beets and cranberry-sauce and pies; but it was no Thanksgiving dinner without turkey and plum-pudding. It was like a great flourish of accompaniment without any song.

Ann Mary did as well as she could; she put some turkey-gravy on her potato and filled up her plate with vegetables; but she did not enjoy the dinner. She felt more and more lonely, too. She resolved that after she had washed up the dinner dishes and changed her dress, she would go over to Loretta Adams’s. It was quite a piece of work, washing the dinner dishes, there were so many pans and kettles; it was the middle of the afternoon when she finished. Then Ann Mary put on her best plaid dress, and tied her best red ribbons on her braids, and it was four o’clock before she started for Loretta’s.

Loretta lived in a white cottage about half a mile away towards the village. The front yard had many bushes in it, and the front path was bordered with box; the bushes were now mounds of snow, and the box was indicated by two snowy ridges.

The house had a shut-up look; the sitting-room curtains were down. Ann Mary went around to the side door; but it was locked. Then she went up the front walk between the snowy ridges of box, and tried the front door; that also was locked. The Adamses had gone away. Ann Mary did not know what to do. The tears stood in her eyes, and she choked a little. She went back and forth between the two doors, and shook and pounded; she peeked around the corner of the curtain into the sitting-room. She could see Loretta’s organ, with the music-book, and all the familiar furniture, but the room wore an utterly deserted air.

Finally, Ann Mary sat down on the front door-step, after she had brushed off the snow a little. She had made up her mind to wait a little while, and see if the folks would not come home. She had on her red hood, and her grandmother’s old plaid shawl. She pulled the shawl tightly around her, and muffled her face in it; it was extremely cold weather for sitting on a door-step. Just across the road was a low clump of birches; through and above the birches the sky showed red and clear where the sun was setting. Everything looked cold and bare and desolate to the little girl who was trying to keep Thanksgiving. Suddenly she heard a little cry, and Loretta’s white cat came around the corner of the house.

“Kitty, kitty, kitty,” called Ann Mary. She was very fond of Loretta’s cat; she had none of her own.

The cat came close and brushed around Ann Mary so she took it up in her lap; and wrapped the shawl around it, and felt a little comforted.

She sat there on the door-step and held the cat until it was quite dusky, and she was very stiff with the cold. Then she put down the cat and prepared to go home. But she had not gone far along the road when she found out that the cat was following her. The little white creature floundered through the snow at her heels, and mewed constantly. Sometimes it darted ahead and waited until she came up, but it did not seem willing to be carried in her arms.

When Ann Mary reached her own house the lonesome look of it sent a chill all over her; she was afraid to go in. She made up her mind to go down to Sarah Bean’s and ask whether she could not stay all night there.

So she kept on, and Loretta’s white cat still followed her. There was no light in Sarah Bean’s house. Ann Mary knocked and pounded, but it was of no use; the old woman had gone to bed, and she could not make her hear.

Ann Mary turned about and went home; the tears were running down her cold red cheeks. The cat mewed louder than ever. When she got home she took the cat up and carried it into the house. She determined to keep it for company, anyway. She was sure, now, that she would have to stay alone all night; the Adamses and Sarah Bean were the only neighbors, and it was so late now that she had no hope of her grandparents’ return. Ann Mary was timid and nervous, but she had a vein of philosophy, and she generally grasped the situation with all the strength she had, when she became convinced that she must. She had laid her plans while walking home through the keen winter air, even as the tears were streaming over her cheeks, and she proceeded to carry them into execution. She gave Loretta’s cat its supper, and she ate a piece of mince-pie herself; then she fixed the kitchen and the sitting-room fires, and locked up the house very thoroughly. Next, she took the cat and the lamp and went into the dark bedroom and locked the door; then she and the cat were as safe as she knew how to make them. The dark bedroom was in the very middle of the house, the centre of a nest of rooms. It was small and square, had no windows, and only one door. It was a sort of fastness. Ann Mary made up her mind that she would not undress herself, and that she would keep the lamp burning all night. She climbed into the big yellow-posted bedstead, and the cat cuddled up to her and purred.

Ann Mary lay in bed and stared at the white satin scrolls on the wall-paper, and listened for noises. She heard a great many, but they were all mysterious and indefinable, till about ten o’clock. Then she sat straight up in bed and her heart beat fast. She certainly heard sleigh-bells; the sound penetrated even to the dark bedroom. Then came a jarring pounding on the side door. Ann Mary got up, unfastened the bedroom door, took the lamp, and stepped out into the sitting-room. The pounding came again. “Ann Mary, Ann Mary!” cried a voice. It was her grandmother’s.

“I’m comin’, I’m comin’, grandma!” shouted Ann Mary. She had never felt so happy in her life. She pushed back the bolt of the side door with trembling haste. There stood her grandmother all muffled up, with a shawl over her head; and out in the yard were her grandfather and another man, with a horse and sleigh. The men were turning the sleigh around.

“Put the lamp in the window, Ann Mary,” called Mr. Little, and Ann Mary obeyed. Her grandmother sank into a chair. “I’m jest about tuckered out,” she groaned. “If I don’t ketch my death with this day’s work, I’m lucky. There ain’t any more feelin’ in my feet than as if they was lumps of stone.”

Ann Mary stood at her grandmother’s elbow, and her face was all beaming. “I thought you weren’t coming,” said she.

“Well, I shouldn’t have come a step to-night, if it hadn’t been for you and the cow,” said her grandmother, in an indignant voice. “I was kind of uneasy about you, an’ we knew the cow wouldn’t be milked unless you got Mr. Adams to come over.”

“Was Aunt Betsey very sick?” inquired Ann Mary.

Her grandmother gave her head a toss. “Sick! No, there wa’n’t a thing the matter with her, except she ate some sassage-meat, an’ had a little faint turn. Lizz was scart to death, the way she always is. She didn’t act as if she knew whether her head was on, all the time we were there. She didn’t act as if she knew ’twas Thanksgivin’ Day; an’ she didn’t have no turkey that I could see. Aunt Betsey bein’ took sick seemed to put everythin’ out of her head. I never saw such a nervous thing as she is. I was all out of patience when I got there. Betsey didn’t seem to be very bad off, an’ there we’d hurried enough to break our necks. We didn’t dare to drive around to Sarah Bean’s to let you know about it, for we was afraid we’d miss the train. We jest got in with the man that brought the word, an’ he driv as fast as he could over to the village, an’ then we lost the train, an’ had to sit there in the depot two mortal hours. An’ now we’ve come fourteen mile’ in an open sleigh. The man that lives next door to Betsey said he’d bring us home, an’ I thought we’d better come. He’s goin’ over to the village to-night; he’s got folks there. I told him he’d a good deal better stay here, but he won’t. He’s as deaf as an adder, an’ you can’t make him hear anythin’, anyway. We ain’t spoke a word all the way home. Where’s Loretty? She came over to stay with you, didn’t she?”

Ann Mary explained that Loretta was not at home.

“That’s queer, seems to me, Thanksgivin’ Day,” said her grandmother. “Massy sakes, what cat’s that  She came out of the settin’-room!”

Ann Mary explained about Loretta’s cat. Then she burst forth with the question that had been uppermost in her mind ever since her grandmother came in. “Grandma,” said she, “what did you do with the turkey and the plum-pudding?”


“What did you do with the turkey and the plum-pudding?”

“The turkey an’ the plum-puddin’?”

“Yes; I couldn’t find ’em anywhere.”

Mrs. Little, who had removed her wraps, and was crouching over the kitchen stove with her feet in the oven, looked at Ann Mary with a dazed expression.

“I dunno what you mean, child,” said she.

Mr. Little had helped the man with the sleigh to start, and had now come in. He was pulling off his boots.

“Don’t you remember, mother,” said he, “how you run back in the house, an’ said you was goin’ to set that turkey an’ plum-pudding away, for you was afraid to leave ’em settin’ right out in plain sight on the table, for fear that somebody might come in?”

“Yes; I do remember,” said Mrs. Little. “I thought they looked ‘most too temptin’. I set ’em in the pantry. I thought Ann Mary could get ’em when she came in.”

“They ain’t in the pantry,” said Ann Mary.

Her grandmother arose and went into the pantry with a masterful air. “Ain’t in the pantry?” she repeated. “I don’t s’pose you more’n gave one look.”

Ann Mary followed her grandmother. She fairly expected to see the turkey and pudding before her eyes on the shelf and to admit that she had been mistaken. Mr. Little also followed, and they all stood in the pantry and looked about.

“I guess they ain’t here, mother,” said Mr. Little. “Can’t you think where you set ’em?”

The old woman took up the lamp and stepped out of the pantry with dignity. “I’ve set ’em somewhere,” said she, in a curt voice, “an’ I’ll find ’em in the mornin’. You don’t want any turkey or plum-puddin’ to-night, neither of you!”

But Mrs. Little did not find the turkey and the plum-pudding in the morning. Some days went by, and their whereabouts was as much a mystery as ever. Mrs. Little could not remember where she had put them; but it had been in some secure hiding-place, since her own wit which had placed them there could not find it out. She was so mortified and worried over it that she was nearly ill. She tried to propound the theory, and believe in it herself, that she had really set the turkey and the pudding in the pantry, and that they had been stolen; but she was too honest. “I’ve heerd of folks puttin’ things in such safe places that they couldn’t find ’em, before now,” said she; “but I never heerd of losin’ a turkey an’ a plum-puddin’ that way. I dunno but I’m losin’ what little wits I ever did have.” She went about with a humble and resentful air. She promised Ann Mary that she would cook another turkey and pudding the first of the week, if the missing ones were not found.

Sunday came and they were not discovered. It was a pleasant day, and the Littles went to the village church. Ann Mary looked over across the church after they were seated and saw Loretta, with the pretty brown frizzes over her forehead, sitting between her father and mother, and she wondered when Loretta had come home.

The choir sang and the minister prayed. Suddenly Ann Mary saw him, standing there in the pulpit, unfold a paper. Then the minister began to read the Thanksgiving Proclamation. Ann Mary cast one queer glance at her grandmother, who returned it with one of inexpressible dignity and severity.

As soon as meeting was done, her grandmother clutched her by the arm. “Don’t you say a word about it to anybody,” she whispered. “You mind!”

When they were in the sleigh going home she charged her husband. “You mind, you keep still, father,” said she. “It’ll be town-talk if you don’t.”

The old man chuckled. “Don’t you know, I said once that I had kind of an idee that Thanksgivin’ weren’t quite so early, and you shut me up, mother,” he remarked. He looked good-naturedly malicious.

“Well, I dunno as it’s anything so very queer,” said Mrs. Little. “It comes a whole week later than it did last year, and I s’posed we’d missed hearin’ the proclamation.”

The next day a letter arrived saying that Lucy and her father and mother were coming to spend Thanksgiving. “I feel jest about beat,” Mrs. Little said, when she read the letter.

Really, she did feel about at her wit’s end. The turkey and pudding were not yet found, and she had made up her mind that she would not dare wait much longer without providing more. She knew that another turkey must be procured, at all events. However, she waited until the last minute Wednesday afternoon, then she went to work mixing a pudding. Mr. Little had gone to the store for the turkey. “Sam White was over there, an’ he said he thought we was goin’ right into turkeys this year,” he reported when he got home.

That night the guests arrived. Thanksgiving morning Lucy and Ann Mary and their grandfather and Lucy’s father and mother were all going to meeting. Mrs. Little was to stay at home and cook the dinner.

Thanksgiving morning Mr. Little made a fire in the best parlor air-tight stove, and just before they started for meeting Lucy and Ann Mary were in the room. Lucy, in the big rocking-chair that was opposite the sofa, was rocking to and fro and talking. Ann Mary sat near the window. Each of the little girls had on her coat and hat.

Suddenly Lucy stopped rocking and looked intently over towards the sofa.

“What you lookin’ at, Lucy?” asked Ann Mary, curiously.

Lucy still looked. “Why? I was wondering what was under that sofa,” said she, slowly. Then she turned to Ann Mary, and her face was quite pale and startled?she had heard the turkey and pudding story. “Oh, Ann Mary, it does look like oh?”

Both little girls rushed to the sofa, and threw themselves on the floor. “Oh, oh, oh!” they shrieked. “Grandma mother! Come quick, come quick!”

When the others came in, there sat Ann Mary and Lucy on the floor, and between them were the turkey and the plum-pudding, each carefully covered with a snow-white napkin.

Mrs. Little was quite pale and trembling. “I remember now,” said she, faintly, “I run in here with ’em.”

She was so overcome that the others tried to take it quietly and not to laugh much. But every little while, after Lucy and Ann Mary were seated in church, they would look at each other and have to put their handkerchiefs to their faces. However, Ann Mary tried hard to listen to the sermon, and to behave well. In the depths of her childish heart she felt grateful and happy. There, by her side, sat her dear Lucy, whose sweet little face peeped out from a furry winter hat. Just across the aisle was Loretta, who was coming in the evening, and then they would pop corn and make nut-candy. At home there was the beautiful new turkey and unlimited pudding and good cheer, and all disappointment and mystery were done away with.

Ann Mary felt as if all her troubles would be followed by thanksgivings.