My darkest fear! by Wendy Montoya

a scary picture

I sat up gasping for air; my throat felt tight again. I glanced at the clock; although I already knew It was 3:30 am. The same time I have been waking up for the past week!

I slowly sat up searching the darkness, it always felt like someone was in the room with me. I quickly moved to flick the lamp on my bed table when a thump came from behind me.

I stopped breathing frozen in place just as something grabbed me by the shoulder and flung me across the room. I flew into the dresser smacking my head on the corner. The warmth of fresh blood flowed down my face as I landed on my back, the footsteps, No, the sound of hooves came charging at me.

My heart was hammering as I staggered to my feet when I realized I was already face to face with a Demon, but before I could release a scream he shoved his claws into my belly, blood sprayed up through my nose, and out of my mouth. The demon growled with desire as he licked the blood from my lips whispering “you’re mine now!” … Everything went black!