An Old man’s curiosity by Shraddha Thakka


An Old man’s curiosity

by Shraddha Thakka

He always got fascinated by the number of things Rohan could do with his small and sleek piece of technology, which he often termed as ‘cool’ and the most priced possession of his and which he carried with him everywhere, even to the loo… though his old brain failed to understand why..?

He would get a different answer every time he asked Rohan as to what he was doing with it…

I’m playing a game on it… M chatting with a friend.. typing a note, setting a reminder, making a calendar entry, sending sms, editing a photo, downloading a video, reading a news paper, commenting on blog, uploading pics, posting on a wall, checking the new link.. and what not…his aged mind cud not even take in…

He wondered what that magic box was made up of… and where did it exactly hide its brain..? He used to work with the transport company wherein he had “TELEPHONE” at his desk unlike the “CELL PHONE” which Rohan currently uses.. but then it was much bigger rectangular box and held at its side was a receiver which alone was atleast three times bigger than this thing in Rohan’s hand…

What are you doing Rohan..? He asked… his voice had also started trembling alongwith his hands… Checking ma friend’s new hairstyle grandpa… N how exactly can one do that on that small piece…? He wondered aloud and went into the other room.. without waiting for an answer……