The Phantom ‘Rickshaw THE PHANTOM ‘RICKSHAW May no ill dreams disturb my rest, Nor Powers of Darkness me molest. —Evening Hymn. One of the few advantages that India has over England is a great Knowability. After five years’ service a man is directly or indirectly acquainted with the two or three hundred Civilians in his […]
Search Results for: A Paper Fan
The Body Snatcher by Robert Louis Stevenson
Every night in the year, four of us sat in the small parlour of the George at Debenham—the undertaker, and the landlord, and Fettes, and myself.
The Bottle Imp by Robert Louis Stevenson
There was a man of the Island of Hawaii, whom I shall call Keawe; for the truth is, he still lives, and his name must be kept secret; but the place of his birth was not far from Honaunau, where the bones of Keawe the Great
The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe
“The Purloined Letter” is a detective story by Edgar Allan Poe, featuring the clever and analytical C. Auguste Dupin. The Prefect
The Moth by H. G. Wells
Probably you have heard of Hapley—not W. T. Hapley, the son, but the celebrated Hapley, the Hapley of Periplaneta Hapliia
After the Race by James Joyce
The cars came scudding in towards Dublin, running evenly like pellets in the groove of the Naas Road. At the crest of the hill at Inchicore sightseers had gathered
The Dead by James Joyce
James Joyce (1882-1941) was an Irish novelist and poet considered to be one of the most influential writers of the early 20th century. Joyce was born and raised in Dublin
To the Man on the Trail by Jack London
To the Man on the Trail
by Jack London
‘Dump it in!.’ ‘But I say, Kid, isn’t that going it a little too strong? Whisky and alcohol’s bad enough
What Christmas is as We Grow Older by Charles Dickens
Time was, with most of us, when Christmas Day encircling all our limited world like a magic ring, left nothing out for us to miss or seek; bound together all our home enjoyments
A Christmas Accident by Annie Eliot Trumbull
A Christmas Accident by Annie Eliot Trumbull AT first the two yards were as much alike as the two houses, each house being the exact copy of the other. They were just two of those little red brick dwellings that one is always seeing side by side in the outskirts of a city, and […]
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