The Cellar Stares by Dean Kuch

Alley, Brenham by Christopher Woods
Alley, Brenham by Christopher Woods

The Cellar Stares

by Dean Kuch

“Don’t go down there, ple-e-e-eeeeease, “ Jenny pleaded. “There’s a monster down there. I know; he told me his name today”

The little transistor radio blared out ‘Temporary Insanity’ by The Intruders in the background through a single, tinny sounding speaker.

“Jenny, gimme’ that flashlight, and quit playing around. C’mon, you heard that glass breaking the same as I did,” he reminded her. “It’s probably just a coon or a possu—”

“Nuh-no, it’s not Bobby,” the tiny tot mumbled, then pointed toward the doorway. “it—it’s cellar stares!”

Bobby switched on the light and opened the door. His nose was assailed almost immediately by a pungent odor.

“Whew, what died in here?” The flashlight beam cut sharply into the darkness, casting elongated shadows upon the rickety wooden steps below. As Bobby began his descent, the last thing he saw in his short young life were a pair of white, maniacal eyes.

Jenny’s screams echoed across many acres of barren farmland, trailing off into the ebony
nothingness beyond.

The shoddy transistor radio sat unattended upon the kitchen table radio, playing now to an audience of none…

 “We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a

special bulletin…

Be on the look-out for a male Caucasian, Keller Shares. Shares escaped this morning from the Monroe Psychiatric Institution. Shares is considered to be extremely dangerous…