The Lesson by Lynn Wynen-Chamberlain

The Lesson

by Lynn Wynen-Chamberlain

She was standing there, her head thrown back in abandonment, her eyes at half mast enjoying the moment. Her coiffed hair in disarray, tendrils meticulously placed now flowing free. Glistening droplets rolled down her neck and nestled in the valley of her breasts. Her body arched in perfect harmony joining her partner, she floated with the tide.

There was no yesterday, no tomorrow, no past, no future, only the moment. His hand firmly rested upon her inner back guiding her every movement, swaying in sensual time to his beat. The fingers playing her backbone and she felt him guiding her to where he wanted to go. There was no power struggle, he was the master and she was his pawn as he tightly controlled her, yet gently eased both first to the right, next to he left. She felt his warm hands slide upward, caressing, guiding her to the next position of submission. Lightly, her fingers rested upon his strong masculine shoulders and she could feel his sweat soaked skin. Prowess, energy, experience propelled his next move. Elated, she felt his firm muscles straining to be set free. She waited in anticipation not knowing, not caring, she was his. It was delicious being in his capable hands and, letting him make the decisions for both their glistening exhausted bodies.

Just at the climax of the encounter the music suddenly ended. His hands left her cold—alone. Her wide dilated eyes stared at him in disbelief as he gentlemanly bowed and moved away. Suddenly, a loud microphone voice broke her concentration, “Ladies to the right, gentlemen to the left. Everyone shift so you have a new partner for the next dance.” It was over. She moved as directed by the voice.

Her eyes downcast— waited. A pair of manly shoes stood before her. Coyly she raised her head, anticipated the feel of his broad shoulders, firm torso, she smiled. She waited for the music to begin and to be taken in his arms. The dance lesson continued.


Lynn Wynen-Chamberlain

Lynn Wynen-Chamberlain attends the MFA in creative writing program at Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Missouri and currently teaches high school. She has a Masters in Education from the University of Missouri and a Bachelors Degree in Business from the University of Maryland.