Wishful Thinking by Jules A Riley

Wishful Thinking

by Jules A Riley

?You?re smiling?? Ludvik frowned..
? It?s nothing,? replied Asdis.
?Come on, why??
?I was thinking about the break.?
?I?ve enjoyed our short break too.?
?I was also thinking about the last ten years.?
?We?re the world?s longest courting couple.?
?You know how it is. My mother, your father.?

When Asdis had found the inclusive four night?s stay in Edinburgh she?d seen it as a chance to get Ludvik all to herself, especially after he?d mentioned he liked all things Scottish.? In the warmth and comfort of their hotel suite they huddled naked at the window gazing at the illuminated Auld Toon and famous castle. At least the sex was without the clandestine urgency that accompanied such moments back home. Asdis screeched ? This is much better than in the back of a Saab.?

Now, as the plane descended towards Keflavik Asdis squeezed Ludvik?s hand,
?How often have you asked Papa if you can marry me??
?I don?t know.?
?You don?t need his permission.?
?It?s traditional.?
?I?m twenty-six, you?re thirty-two. Marry me.?
?You don?t want to upset him. You?re his only daughter?and my mother.?
?Damn them both. If they have their way you?ll end up a dried-up old bachelor and me a crotchety old spinster.?
?I want to do things properly.?
?Ludvik. Marry me. We?ll return to Edinburgh. Get married in the castle. You can wear your new kilt. God, you look good in that kilt.?
?I?m not wearing that kilt.?
?Why not??
?It?s not Scottish. It?s made in China.?
?I like it. Wear it for me.?

When the ?plane came to a halt Ludvik fumbled with his seat belt then stood up to let Asdis pass before he opened the overhead locker. He was blinded by a tumble of coats causing him to? grasp at the air as he received glancing blows from bags of cascading duty-free. Asdis smiled and moved along the gangway leaving Ludvik to unravel himself.


JULES A RILEY lives in Musselburgh, East Lothian, Scotland. He has been previously published in various literary magazines in the British Isles, US on-line publications & contributed articles to professional publications & newspapers