Welcome to our Thanksgiving Haiku Contest! We are looking for the best Haiku we have ever read! It can be on any topic or writing in any style. We just want to read your haikus.
This is not a cash prize. We are giving 1 ad for a month on our front page and a post on all of our social media accounts, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and an email blast of over 12,000. You can promote anything as long as it is writing related.
We are looking for Haiku poetry from now until November 23rd. The winner of this contest will get ad space on our site. The Haiku will also be published on Every Day Poems and get a link from our front page.
- Follow the Haiku form 5,7,5
- You can enter as many times as you want
- Must be posted below in the comments
- Can be on any topic….
- Deadline is November 23, 2020
- Announcement will be on the 25th of November.
- Get a winner announcement on our site.
- Get social media promos
- Get an email blast
- Get an ad on our front page for 1 month
- Get bragging rights
Post your Haiku below in the comments.
(“#*H&BArts*#”)(“#*Writer create love and afection.Architect draw manner gain and lost trust.Building a decision care, writer head make certian demand.Lines are pencil consertrate forward, mind deliver progress,each and ever time we listen what we had given remember .Not a poem for a head and busniss change, work forward vacation main.We alot given to us property most hard motion achieve,flour, surger,holiday pase.H&BArts construction little need,open writer mind is not greed .H&BArts*#”)
Thanksgiving has dawned
It snuck up like a lightly
Treading cat of thanks
The placid mirror
Where ducks graze on the endless
Blue that fills me up
– Lake By Anonymous Poet
The weeping willow
Sings and wails its mournful tune
To ones who’ll listen
The whispering grass
Crunches beneath steady feet
Grass crisply bending
Tick Tock Tick Tock Gong
The granfather clock chimes twelve
Chiming his sad song
the moisture rises
damp heat filling my nostrils
worms after the rain
the art of speaking
has never been so right as
when you told them no
sticking to my skin
despite the open window
these sheets are a trap
Fine new fernery!
Two forgotten dahlias
Innocently bud.
One plump butternut
One less turkey slaughter doomed
My heart lightly stuffed
Cherub of Justice
Whispering to all involved
The game begins now
A thank you
Can be magical so we
Should thank everyday
O christmas tree, you
Shine and glow with pinprick lights
Fanning out green leaves
A sweet summer’s day
With light breeze and rolling hills
Sweet petals fanning
The pen on paper
The scrach of lead and the sound
Of thoughts being free
I am free, soaring
Free, racing and diving through
Clouds, just being me -Birds by Anonymous Poet
Blue, green, and white swirls
On a ball, is that all we
Are? Is it? Is it?
Burn the precious sage
Rebuke the demons from home!
How make dressing now?
Grandpa can wait, don’t
Congregate this Thanksgiving.
Or face Christmas death.
Thanksgiving Haiku (for contest)
On Thanksgiving Day
we all gathered together
thankful for our life
Corona virus spreading
everywhere it seems
happy Thanksgiving
In very dark days
we all gather together
our thanksgivings day
Thanksgiving Day
Will soon be upon us
We wait the future
On Thanksgiving Day
I am thankful I still have you
For many more years
Abandoned stone left-
The ripples in the still lake-
Shuffling through my thoughts
The rushing small feet
Froze before the puddles, jump
Melting monsoon sky
With gusting of wind
Aroma of the dinner
A raven head home
A butterfly crossed…
The stream held her reflection
Cow ruminated
Beneath the sanguine west sky
When I sat to write
Again, nameless birds
Migrated to my clear sky
To leave memories
Thanksgiving is the
Hid family of Christmas
Sad, lonely, and ignored- Overlooked by Anonymous Poet
The night raven caws
Calling its sinister tune
In the pin-pricked night
The silver moon still
Hanging suspended in the
Night, singing to wolves
The placid calm pond
Beneath the Raven’s tree perch
Lies ever-still neath’ moons
The raven flies off
Snow falling from its branch perch
As the raven soars
Every silent step
Every whispered secret, every
Memory wasted
If a seed can be
A mighty oak warrior
Can I start a change?
-If by Anonymous Poet
A weathered wood dock
Stands tall and strong through fierce storms
But looks sagging, sad
A book is a door
Learn magic, fight battles, be
Who you want to be
An author is a
Magician, conquering up
For our delight
Authors are spiders
Spinning webs of tales and yarn
To capture our hearts
When I write and read
I go to the part of my
Mind where all is good
Five, seven, five, the beat
Is full of rules but free too
Confining and sweet
A mountain view full
Of snow-capped mountains and dark
Silver stars of peace
Echoing dark caves
Full of mustily sweet stones
And snaggle-toothed baths
Deserts and jungles
Mountains and valleys and hills
I want to explore
In the end I want
To make a difference on earth
To be remembered
In difficult times
We look for a person to
Lean on and help us
When holidays come
I get that strong feeling of
Joy, love, and sweet warmth
Snowflakes on leaves
silence crackle, embers heave
music in the air.
A bee trapped
out on a spree, stilled the clamour.
Silence, nobody speaks.
Faces aghast, lights on
Creek! the door opens, chill.
out flies the bee.
Embers surge, music flows
masked smiles in censured lips
hearts thank, Alive!
Chiming little bells,
winter draped in silver gown
gently wraps the world
A poem has a
Heart, a soul, a meaning, a
Purpose to bring peace
I am luckier
Than I know, I am so blessed
I have all I need
Snowflakes on mittens
Crystal covered windows
The sounds of winter
Crunching of fresh snow
Whispering of snowfall
Sweet apple cider
Warm hot choclate
With melted marshmellows and
Warm home-baked cookies
Every time I write
I feel that everything is
Possible for me
Fall by Anonymous Poet (Adira Lovetree)
The crunching of leaves
The bitter bite of cold wind
Winter is coming
The white morning dove
Who coos ever so sweetly
The symbol of love
I dream of the stars
Of soaring past milky ways
To feel the wonder
If adults thought like
Kids, wars woud cease, love would live
The world would be great
Pertinent,sweet warmth
!in Divine little smiles
gratitude and peace.
Dark brown-red berries
burst from limbs of orange leaves~
Thanksgiving bouquet.
Salmon hues at dusk
brush the linen clouds with light~
Autumn by the Sea.
Tight high pitched strumming
plays the deep triumph of morn’~
a mini guitar.
A Haiku:
Hi everyone, I
Did not recieve results yet
For contest, Did you?
I just want to check.
Had some wires crossed here. This should have been posted days ago. I’m very sorry. Winner of our contest is:
Anonymous Poet says
November 23, 2020 at 7:53 am
Fall by Anonymous Poet (Adira Lovetree)
The crunching of leaves
The bitter bite of cold wind
Winter is coming
Morning arrives
the sun flaunting its brightness
flooding it upon all.
Also here is a suggestion – do a tanka contest 🙂
Season of Autumn
Filled with lots of food and thanks
Joy and happiness everywhere
The whole family.
All together eating, happy.
Thankful for the food.
The whole family
All together eating, happy
Thankful for the food