62 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Haiku Contest

  1. (“#*H&BArts*#”)(“#*Writer create love and afection.Architect draw manner gain and lost trust.Building a decision care, writer head make certian demand.Lines are pencil consertrate forward, mind deliver progress,each and ever time we listen what we had given remember .Not a poem for a head and busniss change, work forward vacation main.We alot given to us property most hard motion achieve,flour, surger,holiday pase.H&BArts construction little need,open writer mind is not greed .H&BArts*#”)

  2. Abandoned stone left-
    The ripples in the still lake-
    Shuffling through my thoughts

    The rushing small feet
    Froze before the puddles, jump
    Melting monsoon sky

    With gusting of wind
    Aroma of the dinner
    A raven head home

    A butterfly crossed…
    The stream held her reflection

    Cow ruminated
    Beneath the sanguine west sky
    When I sat to write

    Again, nameless birds
    Migrated to my clear sky
    To leave memories

  3. The night raven caws
    Calling its sinister tune
    In the pin-pricked night

    The silver moon still
    Hanging suspended in the
    Night, singing to wolves

    The placid calm pond
    Beneath the Raven’s tree perch
    Lies ever-still neath’ moons

    The raven flies off
    Snow falling from its branch perch
    As the raven soars

  4. Snowflakes on leaves
    silence crackle, embers heave
    music in the air.

    A bee trapped
    out on a spree, stilled the clamour.
    Silence, nobody speaks.

    Faces aghast, lights on
    Creek! the door opens, chill.
    out flies the bee.

    Embers surge, music flows
    masked smiles in censured lips
    hearts thank, Alive!

  5. Snowflakes on mittens
    Crystal covered windows
    The sounds of winter

    Crunching of fresh snow
    Whispering of snowfall
    Sweet apple cider

    Warm hot choclate
    With melted marshmellows and
    Warm home-baked cookies

  6. Fall by Anonymous Poet (Adira Lovetree)

    The crunching of leaves
    The bitter bite of cold wind
    Winter is coming

  7. Dark brown-red berries
    burst from limbs of orange leaves~
    Thanksgiving bouquet.

    Salmon hues at dusk
    brush the linen clouds with light~
    Autumn by the Sea.

    Tight high pitched strumming
    plays the deep triumph of morn’~
    a mini guitar.

  8. Had some wires crossed here. This should have been posted days ago. I’m very sorry. Winner of our contest is:
    Anonymous Poet says

    November 23, 2020 at 7:53 am

    Fall by Anonymous Poet (Adira Lovetree)

    The crunching of leaves
    The bitter bite of cold wind
    Winter is coming

  9. Morning arrives

    the sun flaunting its brightness

    flooding it upon all.

    Also here is a suggestion – do a tanka contest 🙂

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