20 thoughts on “Top 10 Types of Poems, Forms or Formats

  1. I used to love poems. These days I find it difficult to concentrate on them. I guess I have become too busy

  2. i write poems but i wasnt sure where my type falls in,now i know it falls under free verse category. Thank you for sharing.


  3. I read poems a lot but I’m often confused about their types. I’m more familiar with sonnet, haiku and Limerick. Thank you for the enlightenment.

  4. Poems are children of poet that is why they reveal their parents behaviour.I am poet for and an author, Wait and see And prepare to read my upcoming book

  5. Poems are children of poet that is why they reveal their parents behaviour.I am poet and an author, Wait and see And prepare to read my upcoming book

  6. I love that you talked about how Free Verse poems would be a technique that would not follow any conventions of meter or rhyme. I can imagine how nice it would be to be exposed to such work, especially when I appreciate words being used in such a creative way. Hopefully, I can find a Puerto Rican poet this time because I feel curious on how they take this kind of technique.

  7. Haiku does not have five lines. It has three lines. And in America, because our language is not like Japanese, the rules are not the same. Tanka, however, does have five lines. So I don’t know which you are talking about.

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