4 thoughts on “Top 5 Simple Daily Habits To Improve Your Writing Skills

  1. I have to say I honestly was thinking this would be a motivating post. It’s not. It’s well written, however, these are your typical ‘how to be a good writer’ steps. Not necessarily always daily, unless it’s solely for a short article. But a novel, a short story, an essay, a longer blog post, to do these every single day I don’t think is realistic. I was hoping there were going to be add-lighter-fluid-to-the-flame-under-my-ass steps. Not only do I write, but I read A LOT about writing. Too much maybe? And definitely not enough writing. I am ‘that girl’ that hides her writing for mostly no one to see. “Simple Daily Habits” are things like, constantly keep water at arm’s reach, find a good guided meditation for creative minds on YouTube – one that’s only ten to fifteen minutes tops and attempt to do this daily, when you’re around the public, use your five senses to your advantage but don’t be rude and make it obvious. I could go on, but I’ll shut up. This website is fantastic and I should jump on here more often. I hope I did not offend. I didn’t mean to. I just say what I see and feel. I’ll move along now.

      1. I just wanna know something. .. Does writing really develop by writing any piece of content. Like as, if I write essay,a bunch of sentence, or some random lines or text, comments on social media with taking time on a daily basis,will this sort of doing things work on enhancing my writing skill.Or, as become to be a professional writer I got to write a prolonged contents with 200-100 words

        1. for sure. Writing always helps some raw things that you think useless or unfinished things or initial ideas will always become base or parts of a great and perfect thing

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