The main goal of a fiction writer is to create a character that the reader will become...
Writing Lab 101
Writing books, blog posts, articles, or even good captions for your photos on social media can be...
You've committed two drafts to paper, followed every spellcheck suggestion, and triple-checked to make sure your main...
We all love to be afraid from time to time. That is why we listen to ghost...
The characters of your story moves your story forward. In order to create characters that are real,...
We’ve all been there. Staring at the blank page wondering what we’re doing, how we got here,...
When I was an undergraduate at UNM (University of New Mexico), I took Intermediate Creative Nonfiction, a...
When I started piano lessons, my teacher insisted I do daily exercises to improve speed, dexterity, and...
I tried to make this easy. I started with 10 blogs, and then I realized that, that's...
I see the questions on Twitter about once a week: Can you please help me name my...